The passive 4-season greenhouse is just exploding with seedlings!
And its time for some of them to go outside!
We've been transplanting our biggest broccoli, chard, cauliflower, and kohlrabi starts outside under low hoops. This is a total experiment. I am afraid I have started seeds too soon and they are too big to stay in the greenhouse without much bigger pots. So, they must head out the door. Get tough or die :)
We didn't exactly harden the little guys off before transplanting them... they went straight from the glory of the greenhouse to the ground. This is all just an experiment. I feel like my whole life is that way these days. The chard looks sort of sad, but its perked up a lot since I took this picture. moving is a shock to anyone....
I had black plastic on the ground for a few days to try to heat the soil for the direct seeded radishes and kale that went in with the chard. And I tucked them under plastic with some old oat hay to hold it down.
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