Summer has finally arrived in Central Oregon. After a long, cool, wet spring... our skies have cleared and our king sunshine is back. We're still covering tender things outside, but I am having more and more faith in our growing conditions.
The garden gets bigger every day. Little gems of buttercrunch lettuce in the evening light. Fava beans, peas, radishes.... its all coming.
Last week was our first week of our Community Supported Agriculture program. Full shares and half shares were delivered to Bend, Sisters, and Redmond. So much fun to fill those boxes and to have people be so excited to eat local food... meager, but local and a labor of love.
Anna Green, very excited about her veggies! Whats in there??? Rhubarb, Tat soi, Baby bak choi, Basil, Tarragon, Sage, Oregano, Flowers, Zucchini, chard, kale, radishes, maybe some new potatoes...... much more to come!
My dad found a gopher snake on his bike ride and brought him to me for pest control in the garden. He is very welcome here!
wonderful!! hooray for helpful snakes (and dads), beautiful mountains and delicious veggies!